Mayo - Longing Without The Expectation Of Satisfaction


London-based Brokntoys has carved out a niche with a fearless approach to electronic music. The Brokntoys discography aims to stretch the internal narratives associated with genres. This situates them at a perfect intersection between techno-electronica's deeper, more self-serious side and electro's more playful retro-futuristic side leaving excellent club jams that hold within them the opportunity for introspection.


‘Longing Without The Expectation Of Satisfaction’ synthesises a sense of peril from the off through twisting pads and irregular percussion. Riding close to Mayo's electro roots but with a thick layer of grime slathered on top. An excellent look into post-modern electro as tempos slow and the atmosphere becomes more critical. That sci-fi edge is still apparent in ‘Longing Without The Expectation Of Satisfaction’ with chaotic laser beams creating perplexing rhythms over the strip-back drum beats.


'Suc666' attempts to enjoy the same level of grime and grit but becomes more intertwined with mysticism. The combination of dense kicks, a baseline that meanders microtonally and sparkles of fairy dust that sporadically colour high-end cast out the futuristic nature of the EP, instead throwing this full frontal into a hallucinogenic psilocybin induced scavenge through a haunted forest.



  1. Longing without the expectation of satisfaction

  2. Suc666

Labe: Brokntoys

Mayo - Longing Without The Expectation Of Satisfaction


Ryan Hemsworth - BOY / if u wanna cry


Silicon Scally - Soft Robotics