

Lundin Oil - Exploit Divisions
Album Tom Babbington-Fowles Album Tom Babbington-Fowles

Lundin Oil - Exploit Divisions

Anthony Linell's Northern Electronics label has been praised for its unique and high-quality electronic music. The label's latest release, Lundin Oil's Exploit Division, ventures into drone ambient and experimental realms, showcasing both innovative and challenging tracks. While some songs are critiqued for lacking depth compared to others on the album, the overall work delves into themes of energy misuse and global warming. The album experiments with morphing textures, providing an intense and thought-provoking listening experience while pushing the boundaries of drone and ambient music within the Northern Electronics sound family.

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Anthony Linell - Sheltering Skies
EP Tom Babbington-Fowles EP Tom Babbington-Fowles

Anthony Linell - Sheltering Skies

A malaise of grotesque synthesised sounds carve out incredible bass grooves resulting in a plethora of twisted alien and robotic vocal performances that morph and twist around powerful percussion.

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Electronic Music Discorse

Electronic Music Discorse